Day 2: Lake Morena to Fred Canyon (Miles 20 to 32)

Today was difficult. I seem to have come down with a cold. Hopefully that will clear up soon. At least for now, I have no idea how bad we smell!

Also, my feet really need to toughen up. After 20 miles yesterday, then ten more this morning, I was hurting. Today also felt more difficult because we didn’t see any other thruhikers for most of the day. For some reason it’s easier to keep going when you see other people on the trail. In a few more days, all of this hiking should become easier but adjusting to it is a bit of a process.

At Mile 30, we took a 0.4 mile detour down Kitchen Creek Road to reach Yellow Rose Spring. I stuck my feet in the water and we rested for a bit. We thought about camping there, but Rob is superhuman and still had energy so we loaded up on water and are now dry camped two miles further up the trail. When we made it here to Fred Canyon, we finally met up with some other hikers. We are camped here with a younger guy named Youngblood, and a fifty-something year old woman named Badger. Everyone is heading to Mount Laguna tomorrow. I’m looking forward to eating in a restaurant!

8 thoughts on “Day 2: Lake Morena to Fred Canyon (Miles 20 to 32)”

    1. No trail names yet! I think some people name themselves, but we’re just going to wait and see what happens…

  1. Don’t push too hard in the beginning. You don’t want to hit the Sierras too early anyway. Just enjoy it all and remember the reason for being on the trail is to enjoy it not just to make miles. In my limited experience, the miles will take care of themselves as long as I’m enjoying the hike.

  2. Hello Christa & Rob, it’s so great that you travel through these magical landscape🌅 good spirit & energy 4U & i’ll keep watching your news✨ Corinne

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